Materials and Biology

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Materials and Biology

Developing « living » materials

The Materials and Biology team, coordinated by Francisco M. Fernandes, gathers chemists, biologists et physicists working on the development of « living » materials, based on a better understanding of cell-materials interactions. Our strategy relies on the integration of the specific functions of biology (self-organization, molecular recognition, enzymatic activity, cellular metabolism,…) within polymer, hybrid or inorganic materials and nanomaterials, to create biomimetic biomaterials, design new biotechnological devices and develop innovative processes in environmental science.

Our research is based on five fields of expertise:

Axis 1 : Biomimetic approaches of tissular processes (G. Mosser)
Axis 2 : Biomaterials : from design to clinics (C. Hélary) 
Axis 3 : Biomineralization, biohydrogels and bio-applications of silica (T. Coradin)
Axis 4 : Processing techniques for biomaterials (F. M. Fernandes)
Axis 5 : Physics of bio-interfaces (L. Trichet) 

with additional support of S. Masse in materials characterization (incl. solid state NMR)

Our fields of application in the medical and environnemental area take advantage of the gathering of these expertises together with a wide network of national and international pluri-disciplinar collaborations. Among current research topics:

– Biomimetic artificial cornea
–  Collagen-based nanocomposite materials for the treatment of cutaneous chronic wounds
– 3D models of the intervertebral disk
– Additive manufacturing of biomaterials for cardiac repair
– Cytocompatible cryo-processes for bioremediation and health
– Biomaterials for oro-facial repair

 Our research benefits from the technical assistance of B. Haye and C. Illoul for histology and TEM sample preparation.

Selected recent publications

-S. Houari, K. DeRocher, T. Thu Thuy, T. Coradin, V. Srot, P. A. van Aken, H. Lecoq, T. Sauvage, E. Balan, J. Aufort, M. Calemme, N. Roubier, J. Bosco, K. Jedeon, A. Berdal, D. Joester, S. Babajko. Multiscale characterization of Developmental Defects of Enamel and their clinical significance for diagnosis and treatment . Acta Biomater., 169, 155-167 (2023) – ⟨10.1016/j.actabio.2023.08.011⟩ ⟨hal-04193550v1⟩
-N. Rose, B. Estrada Chavez, S. Sonam, T. Nguyen, G. Grenci, A. Bigot, A. Muchir, B. Ladoux, B. Cadot, F. Le Grand, L. Trichet. Bioengineering a Miniaturized In Vitro 3D Myotube Contraction Monitoring Chip To Model Muscular Dystrophies. Biomaterials, 293, 121935 (2023) –  ⟨10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121935⟩ ⟨hal-03278692⟩
-C. Parisi, B. Thiébot,, G. Mosser, L. Trichet, P. Manivet, F.M. Fernandes. Porous yet dense matrices: using ice to shape collagen 3D cell culture systems with increased physiological relevance. Biomater. Sci., 10, 6939-6950 (2022) –  ⟨10.1039/d2bm00313a⟩ ⟨hal-04068164⟩
-O. Sénépart, C. Legay, C. Hélary, A. Hamraoui. Adhesion energy modulation acts as an NGF receptor activator for neuronal differentiation in NGF-free medium. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 20200717 (2022) –  ⟨10.1002/admi.202200717⟩ ⟨hal-03858517⟩
-M. Camman, P. Joanne, O. Agbulut, C. Hélary.  3D models of dilated cardiomyopathy: Shaping the chemical, physical and topographical properties of biomaterials to mimic the cardiac extracellular matrix. Bioactive Mater., 7, 275-291 (2022) – ⟨10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.040⟩ ⟨hal-03290629⟩

Main recent collaborators
International: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentine), University of Galway (Ireland), AO Fundation (Suisse), Université Mohammed V-Agdal (Maroc).
National: ITODYS (CNRS-Université de Paris), LOB (Ecole Polytechnique), LRS (CNRS-UPMC), UR 2496 (Université de Paris), IBPS (INSERM-SU), CIRB (INSERM-Collège de France), Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (INSERM-SU),  INSP (CNRS-SU), LBM (CNRS-SU-ENS), ICMPE (CNRS-UPEC), Institut de Myologie (INSERM-SU),  Institut de la Vision (CHNO XV-XX), LVTS (INSERM- Université de Paris), IPCM (CNRS-SU).