On the CNRS website (INC)
About our new paper out in Nature Communications https://www.inc.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/lormeau-livre-ses-secrets-sur-lorigine-de-sa-coquille
Congratulations to Camila B. Tovani !
She received the National Prize of the Best Brazilian Thesis in Chemistry 2021 – Camila spent her last year of PhD in the team on the development of biomimetic models to investigate the role of Sr2+ on bone formation

Newcomers arrived directly from the Ocean !
28/04/21. Sea urchins from the « Station Biologique de Roscoff » hosted at the IBPS platform are ready to be studied! Their pigments are waiting for us!

PhD Defense of Elora Bessot !
15/12/20. 2 pm: « Structuration en 3D de phases cristal-liquides pour la formation biomimétique de tissus osseux »
Mots-clefs : collagène ; biomimétisme ; auto-assemblage ; microfluidique ; cristal-liquide
Podcast « l’Incroyable Nature » @Bioxegy sur l’OURSIN:
Scientific highlight in « Photoniques »:
Webinar Ceebios !
17/06/20. 9-10 am: When Sea urchins meet biomimetism and bioinspiration – The colorful biomineralization of sea urchins, towards new bio-based colorants.
New paper out in PNAS !
18/05/20. « Origin of transparency in scattering biomimetic collagen materials » by Salameh, Salviat et al. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2001178117
Top 100 in Materials Science !
04/03/2020. Our paper in Scientific Reports is now TOP 100 HIGHLY CITED PAPER in Materials Science (N°39 !) : https://www.nature.com/collections/ecjehiebic
Check the article « Bone mineral: new insights into its chemical composition » by Von Euw et al. : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44620-6

New paper out in CrystEngComm !
05/03/2020. « Insights into OCP identification and quantification in the context of apatite biomineralization » by Robin et al.
Selected as HOT TOPIC ARTICLE in CrystEngComm in 2020: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/ce/c9ce01972c#!divAbstract
Inside front cover !
28/01/2020. Our paper in Small « Injectable Anisotropic Materials: Self‐Assembled Collagen Microparticles by Aerosol as a Versatile Platform for Injectable Anisotropic Materials » by Lama et al. has been selected as INSIDE FRONT COVER.

Check the paper at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/smll.202070020
Our new Master students !

Georgina is joining MHP’s team and the Biomin transverse axis as M1 student intern. She will work on self-assembly of collagen anistropic domains to mimic the osteon units of the compact bone. Welcome !

Perla is joining MHP’s team and the Biomin transverse axis as M2 student intern. She will work on inducing controlled macroporosities inside collagen solutions. Welcome !