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The Paris Condensed Matter Chemistry laboratory

The LCMCP (UMR 7574 Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Collège de France) is a recognized player in the field of the development by soft chemistry routes inorganic or hybrid organic-inorganic functional materials, and the assessment of their physico-chemical properties at different scales.
These materials are targeted to high societal impact applications particularly in the areas of energy, health and the environment.
The laboratory brings together all facets of the chemistry of materials with a strong coupling between synthesis methods and shaping processes, and interfaces displayed with physics and biology. All this expertise is complemented by the use and development of modern characterization techniques, combined with structural modeling methods.

LCMCP research activities are conducted within 5 research teams are supported by a technical team and an administrative team.

MATBIO : Materials and Biology – T. Coradin

MHP : Hybrid Materials and Processes – C. Boissière

NANO : New Advanced Nano-Objects – C. Chanéac

RMES : Reactive Materials for Energy deviceS – C. Laberty-Robert.

SMiLES : Spectroscopy, Modelisation, Interfaces for Environment and Health – T. Azaïs


Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
UFR de Chimie
CNU : sections 33, 31

Institut de Chimie (INC)
Sections 15, 11

Chaire des Matériaux Hybrides du Collège de France

LCMCP Environment

Institut des Matériaux de Paris-Centre (IMPC – FR2482)

Ecole Doctorale ED 397 – Physique et Chimie des Matériaux

Labex MATISSE (Matériaux, Interfaces, Surfaces, Environnement)’

C’Nano – Centre National de Compétences en Nanosciences
RS2E – Réseau sur le stockage électrochimique de l’énergie